My 3December
As if Decembers aren’t busy enough, I recently I decided to take part in Sketchfabs 3December challenge. Did I make it to the end? Did I lose my mind along the way? Well let’s find out!
3December is one of those trendy rename-a-month-for-an-events things, but instead of growing facial hair to fight cancer, it’s just artists challenging themselves to produce a piece of work each day. How selfish!
More specifically on Sketchfab the 3December challenge was to produce 21 days of models based on a theme given each day.
Something about this challenge piqued my interest, and before I knew it I was elbows deep in all kinds of voxel madness! Some of it worked, some it didn’t, but I made it to the end intact. Here’s a collection of the results:
Not too bad for a collection of work done in about 2 hours each day during one of the busiest months of the year – I deserve a medal or something!
The Best
Every parent has their favourite child, and with 21 to choose from I wasn’t short of options, so here are the ones who might be getting Birthday parties this year:
When you have 21 kids… picking just 9 is surprisingly easy!
The Making of…
And as if that busy month of voxelling wasn’t enough – I even got to write a blog post about the whole thing over on Sketchfab too!
So if taking a peek behind the curtain is your sort of thing, then why not head over there and check it out – NomadKing’s 3December.
Thanks for reading and Happy 2019!